Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Are you going to finish STRONG?

You must watch this short video. For those who have been longer in GTYC, you will remember that PJK showed a life testimony video of Nick Vujicic.

Anyway this short video clip is very inspirational.. Nick Vujicic has no limbs - no arms or legs.. and see him challenging the audience on How to Finish Strong!

Nathanael WALKED!

Received an email from Daren saying that Nathanael walked~! I was so blessed by the message.

Let's all continue to pray for Nathanael's quick recovery. :) Anyway, here's the email from Daren:

Nathanael achieved a new milestone on Good Friday, he was standing up (unassisted) and decided to take few steps (unassisted) on His own in church! We are really so Blest ... and we wanna Praise God for touching Nathanael! TQ so much for all your prayers, we’ve been “wanting” and waiting for Nathanael to walk for the longest time, and amazingly ... on Good Friday he did. So so so so Awesome!! U can watch a video of him today @ school Walking –

God is Amazing! I’ve shared this with the worship team, and would like to encourage you all with what happened a week ago . .. . . . .. Just the Saturday before the Easter Weekend on 4th April, PGC & I were worship leading, when Ps Julie came up and took over the service whilst we sang “At The Cross”. After PJK challenged the congregation, we continued singing the song.

When we hit the Bridge of the song ...

You Tore The Veil

You Made The Way

When You Said That It Is Done

.. .. it was just at that point ... when the Holy Spirit spoke into my Heart. “Daren, Nathanael’s Healing It Is Done!” Wah... it was an extremely powerful Word that came to me and tears were just running down and i was like YES LORD!!. It was the Rhema Word of God speaking so distinctly and so clearly ... It Is Done!! So after sharing that with the worship team back stage on what i experienced, i went out and share with Tiff what God spoke about Nathanael..... and guess what?

Tiff was worshipping in front and just at that same moment... when we sang the bridge of At The Cross, the Holy Spirit also spoke to her that’s Nathanael’s condition... IT IS DONE! Amazing! God is Amazing! He works on a Stereo Sound effect, ... u know what i mean, God chose to speak to both the father and the mother and not just one of us. That strengthens our faith even more! And we were just giving Thanks everyday, and proclaiming the Finish Work of God over Nathanael .... and in less than one week .... Nathanael Walks!

See ..... sorry for being so cheong hei ... but the above Praise Report cant be kept in, i hope u are blest! That whatever your need is... God has a plan for you and your life, and He is not slow to His promise! Just wait on him and claim His promise daily!!! Woo Hoo!! God is GREAT!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


When Fear knocks, let Faith answer the door

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Soul Food

Just wanna share an interesting article I've read. Sharing is caring! =)

I love the taste of T-bone steak,
Delicious every bite,
But there’s nothing like the Word of God,
For my spiritual appetite.

The Word of God has milk and meat,
And even ice-cream and cake.
Take a slice of a Bread of Life,
And coffee to keep us awake.
Open your bible and turn to Psalms,
For David’s famous buffet.
You can drink all of the wine of the word you want,
And still feel fine the next day.
There’s enough of the Word for everyone,
And no one has to cheat.
The Word of God is a smorgasbord,
So take all you are able to eat.

Let’s have a little long suffering,
Job gives the recipe.
Patience is the main ingredient,
Self-denial is the fee.
Wrap that up in temperance,
It may not make much sense,
Cover that with contentment,
Then add some joy for strength.
Let’s have love for dessert,
Jesus made the dish,
Cream of joy and peace together,
Sift out all selfishness.
Add some deeds of righteousness,
Enough to make it sweet.
Humility is the frosting,
That makes the dish complete.

Or are you on a diet,
Cause the race seems hard to run.
For a weight losing menu,
Try Hebrews 12 and 1 (12:1).
Are you suffering form malnutrition,
And don’t know what to do?
Your spiritual growth seems hindered,
Try 1 Peter 2 and 2 (2:2).
If when every time you battle,
The enemy always wins,
Try some Holy Ghost Protein,
And spiritual vitamins.
God’s Word can feed millions,
And still have plenty left.

Because the Word of God is Soul Food,
Sent from the World’s greatest CHEF!

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Dear Cellies,

The Influence Conference ended yesterday and i came away being spiritually refreshed and inspired to delve into greater things of God. I felt the loss for many of you who did not attend those sessions. I know it wasn't intentional and you have your valid reasons. We had a fantastic panel of speakers, namely Benny Ong from Singapore, our very own senior pastor, Pastor Vincent Leoh, prominent corporate figures like Michael Tang and Jeremy Tan, Lecturer Franklin Morais and our states assembly man Edward Lee. We Christians cannot live a separate dimension in this world, ie a secular and non-secular world. It is only one, the world. The topics discussed was indeed relevant for christians to practice kingdom living in this world where the system of the world is always in conflict with our foundations, principles, integrity and conviction. The theme for this year's conference was, Success. I shall dissect those knowledge i've attained throughout the conference and hopefully able to convey it effectively over the next few postings =)

It would be great if we could make it more interactive ie we can post comments and discussed on those separate topics. Exchanges of thoughts is good for our mind...

So guys.. Stay tune!!!!!!!! ;)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Blessed Father's Day

This Father's Day, i'd like to share something closer to my heart.

The verse that comes to mind is taken from Malachi 4:6

"He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers"

Allow me to explain briefly about my relationship with my dad. We grew up without dad being at home most of the time because of his nature of work. So our time spent with him was minimal and we hardly engage in any serious conversations. My dad was the sole bread winner of the family and he has provided very well for us, in which i'm truly grateful and thankful. My relationship with him is somewhat strained since young. I must admit, it was partly because of my rebellious and disobedient nature then, and streaks of it which still persist now=p

Well.. this Father's Day and also a series of health event and definitely with the conviction of the holy spirit, i'm adamant to make right with dad. I like the highlight in Malachi and i believe, God is going to bring about restoration in all father-children relationship this season.

If we have build walls with our fathers; Walls of silence, Walls of distance, Walls of unresolved issues, or Walls built to the thickest dimensions with the materials of misunderstanding, impatience, annoyance and ridicule - I believe God is going to dismantle those Walls. The family unit was God institutionalised, and the fact that our Father in heaven comes in Love, He would want our earthly homes to abound in Love too. I know the hammering and demolition and selflessness to get these walls down may seem like a mammoth task. But with God we can do it. He has offered us the tools for forgiveness, the tools of honour and grace and repentance.

I dont know the relationship you are having with your dad, but if you can identify with what i'm saying.. then i pray, you'll take steps to tear these walls to the ground. I believe strongly more so if our fathers are not yet a believer. Our testimony conveys the gospel the strongest.

What will be your first step?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Spiritual Workout!!!

It's been a month or so since my last visit to the gym. And i think many gym goers can attest to the difficulty in cultivating that discipline of achieving a 20min workout 3 times weekly. Unless you are a gym freak, you'll fail miserably. You would think that the rm175/month commitment would strike one guilty of their absence.. Well it does work occasionally but not always. The core of the matter is Discipline. It's a skill we must develop in all matters of our life. Discipline in studying. Discipline in spending. Discipline at work and home. Disciplining our thoughts and tongue. Discipline in devotions. Discipline in praying. etc...

But since young, we've always had someone to do the job of disciplining us. At home, it is our parents. In school, the disciplinary teacher. In church, the leaders/pastors. However, as we grow older, we assume those roles and take on our own responsibilities. We have undergone training under different 'regimes' and now we are to take the helm of the Training centre. Notice mom & dad lecture you less if at all? Surely your boss at the workplace doesnt administer any discipline? In church, you wouldn't be penalise if you failed to remember the memory verse that week. We are supposedly more mature and wiser, and have the ability to act responsibly. But Ahah.. As mentioned, Discipline is an art. It is not an overnight creation. Which explains why we struggle in this area. At least i do.

My trail of thoughts then lead me to ponder Paul's admonition to train ourselves in godliness, and asking whether as a people we are equally concerned about our spiritual conditioning.

On the other hand, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness; for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things.1 Timothy 4:7-8

NOw, That isn't just "of little profit." It's of eternal importance. And as such, i fear greatly. If i'm already having problem disciplining myself in smaller matters eg physical workout.. how am i able to tackle this discipline of godliness, the spiritual workout?

I know, i'll fail on my own accord. But in wanting to cultivate this discipline effectively and desperately, i realised there's 2 Ps i must and can do. Firstly, it is to Purpose it in my heart. Secondly, Pray. We need the help of the Holy Spirit. Truly when i'm weak, He is strong.

I've extracted the below from Family Life.. Read it and hopefully you'll embark on a Spiritual Workout if you're not already on one or have failed to be discipline in doing so.


I'd like to invent a spiritual workout system with machines similar to those in health spas that can zero in on specific muscles you want to develop. My spiritual spa would be a place with individual stations where muscles of the faith would be purposely developed, a place where we could be intentional about cultivating spiritual stamina.

My first station would help bridle the tongue when it is tempted to say harsh words, and toughen it up when it needs to speak out boldly for the Lord. It would build control of our gossip muscle, and teach us to clean up our language.

I'd have a station that addresses the faith muscles of the eyes. Above this machine would be pictures of biblical heroes whose lives were ruined when they lost control of their eye muscles-Samson and David, who were deceived when they allowed their eyes to gaze too long upon the opposite sex.

I would also have a machine that works on the spiritual muscles of the neck. It would increase flexibility in those who have become "stiff-necked"-especially those who are too proud to admit mistakes, too stubborn to ask for forgiveness or too arrogant to admit they need to depend upon God.

I'd have an exercise that would require a person to be on his knees, with neck bent downward in prayer. Prayer loosens muscles that are tied in knots by worry, pressure or long hours of hard work.

Sweating yet? Any increase in your heart-for-God rate? Out of breath? Sore? Like any good workout, it wouldn't be good to overdo it the first time out...or can it be overdone?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Thoughts in Vietnam

Hey guys, just wanna share my trip in Vietnam with you all. It's been a week since I came back, but my laziness had gotten over me. I've finally defeated my laziness!!! and being obedient to the Chief Cell Warden order =D

During my stay in Vietnam, I stayed in my aunt friend's house. It was really a nice holiday. The highlights of my trip were the food, shopping, grass skiing, mekong delta, cu chi tunnel, manicure, pedicure and not to forget FOOD POISONING! [I'm alright now if you're wondering ; )]

My entire life of going round for holidays; this is my first time attending church (except once in Singapore). I was so excited since it's my first time attending church overseas and the best part of it is in VIETNAM! FYI, I have a passion for mission in Vietnam.

Little did I know that the so-called church is actually in a house. According to my aunt friend, the government of Vietnam only allows Catholic churches around. To them, Catholics, AOG, Methodist, etc are all the same. So they do not see a point of allowing so many churches around. Hence the government went round and closes down all churches except for catholic churches.

Although they were forced functioning "church" in a house nevertheless they didn't give up in their faith. I was truly amazed by the number of people attending. All different ages (from age 4-60) gather in one house worshipping the Lord. It was then that I realized that God is really omnipresent. He is everywhere. No matter where you are, as long as you're tune in to God's frequency, God is there!!

When I was in Vietnam, I went to a pottery factory where they demonstrate the process of making potteries. Wow... no wonder the bible says that we are the clay and God is the potter. The clay goes through many different processes and it really takes a lot of patience, effort and time to mould the clay into a beautiful piece of pottery. Often times we get on other people's nerves, only God and God alone is able to "tahan" us all and have the patience to mould us. The question is, are you willing to let God be your potter?

I wanted to video the process of it and show you guys, but camera is prohibited. Too bad. =)